Monday, August 8, 2011

First Stop on Grand Canyon Trip…

…Beaver Creek. We drove over to Avondale, AZ which is right outside of Phoenix. Then went straight up Near Lake Montezuma. It was a beautiful campground at Beaver Creek. It was kind of warm when we got there so we quickly set up the tent and then went swimming in the creek. I was quite nervous about my feet touching the bottom of the creek and then another mom of four kids suggested wearing my flip flops. Thank you to her! I was able to really enjoy myself. Our sweet dog Sadie even came swimming. It was soooo cute. We have only had her since March and we have never seen her swim-she loved the water! The Munchkin preferred to sit on a rock with his feet in the water tossing rocks in. The other two boys enjoyed building up the dam with more rocks and the Princess was just enjoying the water and made a new friend as usual. We had a wonderful time.

When it was time to exit the water we started making dinner and that is when Grandma Ginger and Grandpa Johnny came. We were informed by the camp host that a mountain lion and her cub and skunks had been seen around the campsites recently and to look out for them. Well after dinner we made s’mores and were just finished brushing our teeth when Grandma walked around the car and saw a skunk. Everyone was excited and wanted to see it. Then Brad looked out a little further and saw something crouching down behind a bush like it was ready to pounce. He quickly ordered us into the tent and we watched through the windows with flashlights as skunks (3 I think) and then the mountain lion cub came nonchalantly looking for food at our campsite.

I didn’t feel afraid until I went out of the tent to grab some things we left out. Three of us went out. Grandpa, Brad and I . Brad told me to keep the light shining to the left and he would keep and light shining to the right. As I am looking to the left I turn back to look at Brad and he left me! He was across the way shining the light for Grandpa. I got so scared I quickly grabbed whatever I could and rushed back into the tent. Ummmm, thanks babe for leaving me. All night we could here animals creeping around the tent and everyone now and then one of us would sit up and shine a light out the window.  It was sure exciting and the kids thought it was awesome!! You wouldn’t believe how many pictures I tried to take of our little visitors but not even one turned out! DSC03142

Our Gigantic 10 person tent we purchased at Wal-Mart for $115. Best purchase ever! Especially since Brad forgot to bring the extra tent for Grandma and Grandpa. We all wouldn’t have fit in the old tent!


The Prince jumping off the awesome rock area


1 comment:

  1. Look at how big your boys are!!!! What a gorgeous family you have, Kristen! I have been terrible at following blogs the past couple of years (since we brought Mira home) but am now getting back into the swing of things:)
