Saturday, April 21, 2012

St. Thomas: Day 1

My husband earned a highly coveted spot in the winners circle for his performance with sales and customer service with Time Warner Cable. This years trip was to St. Thomas. West coast employees left a day earlier than the rest of the group because we were traveling such a far distance. We stayed over in Miami and then left Wednesday morning for St. Thomas.
When we first got there we went straight down to the beach. It was amazing! The view from our room was breathtaking! We were staying at the Marriott Frenchman's Reef at Morningstar. Snorkel equipment was available for free to hotel guests so we explored the rocks, coral and fish.
Later that night the company had a welcome dinner and cocktail party. Carnival is currently going on there so that was the theme of the party. It was so exciting!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Kids Bathroom Organization

The kids bathroom was driving me crazy! We had two baskets on the counter that held everything from hair clips to deodorant. Also the toothpaste was always a problem. Some kids couldn't get it out of the tube and then it would be all over the place. About a month ago we got a toothpaste dispenser and while it puts too much toothpaste on the toothbrush all the kids can work it an no one has to ask for help!
To handle all the counter top clutter, I got an over the door shoe rack and put it on the back of the door. All of the kids bathroom supplies go in there.

The different shampoos that were in the shower were also driving me crazy. We got some on sale that were "special" and there were so many bottles in there at once! Also, two of the kids have trouble getting the shampoo out of the bottle and all the kids have trouble with quantity! I bought a shampoo dispenser with three sections: shampoo, conditioner and body wash. Now all they have to do us push a button! I bought everything at Bed, Bath and Beyond with coupons!
The kids have always had color coded towels so that it cuts down on the amount of laundry I do. I used to have their matching hand towel on the hook above their towel but it made it too hard to get their towel down. Now their hand towels rotate out on the hook next to the sink.
Just thought I would share because I am so happy with the new organization in here!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Big Morongo Preserve In Yucca Valley

We went up to Yucca Valley a few weeks ago. It was more fun than I was expecting for sure! The preserve was beautiful! There were lots of birds and a creek also. We don't often come across a creek in the desert, so when we do it is exciting! It was truly gorgeous and we really enjoyed ourselves. We will definitely be going back up there.